måndag 23 december 2013

Test Flip Pal Mobile scanner first impression

This is the first test of the Flip Pal Scanner the idea is to get an easy solution for scanning pictures see Using Iphone to Scan. The scanner was delivered in 3 days from Genealogysupplies in UK

I bought just the Scanner and got a 2 Gbyte memory card included. Think it would have been better to also buy case to store the scanner in.

Avfärd SunneCarl-Eric SälgöSCAN0008_GunnlisMona och Torbjörn Roos Luciadagen 1952 hemma hos Torbjörn i ÖrebroGunnlis, Mona, Carl-Eric Lucia dagen 1952 hemma hos Torbjörnni Örebro

This is a test of the Flip Pal Mobile scanner. First impression is easy to use and useful with 600DPI and the possibility to use battery makes it a portable and easy to carry solution.

It was easy to get started. A quick manual how to change the DPI and start the bundled software. The software included lacks the latest design and feels more like old windows software but it works. See also my blog about what software to use for image processing. The software included looks as Sexy as this with its retro feeling

EXIF of picture scanned  http://www.flickr.com/photos/salgo/11522925856/meta/
Picture 600 DPI
Sample pictures

Original size

Original size

Repairing the picture in Adobe Photo elements

Did some basic repairing using the Clone Stamp and changed the levels see also blogpost Image processing where I try to find better tools for repairing a picture



Other reviews of Flip Pal Scanner

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